Helloo, I'm back! So ever since my last blog post things have been pretty normal. On Monday I overslept and woke up at 8am! I'm supposed to be at school by that time! So I did't get a chance to my daily morning shower... :( Even worse, I forgot to dry my hoodie and gym clothes the night before, so I had to wait a extra 20 mins to let them sit in the dryer! I missed my entire 1st period class, and now I'm even farther behind! All this because I forgot to turn on my alarm! Other than that, standard stuff. On Sunday I worked on the PSF section of the new bonus room. And I just realized that I have no devlogs for this sight...
As I stated before, I wanted this website to be anonymous. One thing I intended to do was to not tell my friends about this. Well, ever since Saturday, that's all I've been doing. Whoops. I just cant help it! I am soo proud of what I've done with my site, I had to show people! I sent links to the site to a lot of my friends on instagram, and they all said it was cool. I just really hope I'm not annoying them, because this is NOT the first time I've done this kinda thing. Like one time, I wrote a concept of a cool tournament idea, and sent the link to all of them! I feel like I do too much promotion with them, I don't know how they tolorate me!
One last thing, my english teacher Mr. Z is making my class read a book. Pretty cool. The problem is that we are not reading it together as a class! We have to read it on our on own time! And tomorrow I think we are doing an assessment related to the book! This wouldnt be an issue, if I hadnt wasted all my time. According to reading logs he gave us, we shouldve read 300 pages by today. I'm not even 100 pages in... What am I doing wasting time coding right now? I have to start reading!!! Also, ever since Monday, I've been using Visual Studio Code! It's pretty cool. Byeee!
Hiii! I'm writing another entry today because more happened stuff happened! After I finished up a bit of coding, me and my friend walked to McDonalds. It was pretty cold out side and for some reason I only wore my jacket, not one of my smartest decisions :[ . Some how, my friend lost his phone, so we had to look on the sidewalk to find it. I was kinda annoyed by that. Later, my mom picked me up and we got a pizza!!! I really didn't feel like cooking today, so this really relieved me! And mannn, that pizza was goood!! My mom also gave me money to pay for the pizza, much more than what the pizza cost, and she let me keep the rest! Now I have $51 in my bank account :D !! So yea, that's pretty much it. Also it's my friends birthday today! We don't really talk all of the time (despite our 100+ day TikTok streak) but she's pretty cool. Byyyeee!
This is my first blog post so hiii! How are you all doing today? As of right now I'm just on my computer developing the website. I'm really happy with what I've got so far! It looks comforting and and nice. I'm seeing a lot of other websites on neocities and they look very creative and stylish, so it's been kinda hard to try and avoid comparisons with my site and others. But I'm still happy with the simple layout of my website. I was planning on adding a chatbox on the website, specifically on this blog page. Right now I have a friend over at my house and we plan on walking to Mcdonald's but I kinda wanna save money for the Switch 2 that's coming later this year. But that's all I really wanted to talk about right now, byyeee!!