Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 14
Race: Black
Country: United States
Status: Unknowingly Remarkable
Hello! I'm Para, and this is my website, Super Para World! I'm making SPW to get into coding, and as a method of self expression! I like videogames, watching YouTube videos, listening to music, spending time with my friends, eating food, coding (literally doing that rn), working on projects, and more!
Right now, my goal in life is to become a YouTuber with 1 million subscribers! I like to talk about stuff that I find interesting, so expect to see video reviews and other stuff of that nature!
Other than that, I'm mostly just an average high-schooler just trying to chill and make it through my life. I'm kinda nerdy and I have trouble with fitting in sometimes, but I always strive to improve!
SPW is my personal hub for expression! Here, you can find:
Reviews for videogames/TV shows
Blog posts discussing about events in my life
A photo gallery featuring photos I like
And maybe more in the future!
I don't plan on the website being to most stylish yet, but so far I'm happy with what I have done! Also, I might be inconsistant when writing blog entries (I might completely forget), so keep that in mind!
As stated before, I'm making this website as a form of self-expression. I originally had an idea to start a blog because I wanted to anonymously talk about my life, but I couldn't find a good website to make one. I remembered my friend told me about neocities, and it sounded cool, but I was initially turned away from it because he mentioned you had to do some coding.
But after looking further into HTML/CSS coding, it didn't look that hard, so I decided to make a neocities account and give it a shot. As it turns out, I'm actually having some fun making this site, learning new things, and gaining a sense of accomplishment after figuring something out. I am still learning though, so the future of the website awaits!
I have played Super Mario Maker 2 for over 1200 hours!
I have a 3-star Animal Crossing island(I know, not that good :[ )
Both my Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 3DS are homebrewed with custom firmware!
I have 3 platinum tropies on Playstation!
My favorite game is a tie between Super Mario Odyssey and Persona 4.
My favorite game console is a tie between the PS5 and the Nintendo Switch.
Princess Peach is my waifu (and I'm not ashamed as I should be). I also love Mayor Pauline too!
My favorite sport is either basketball or bowling.
Para is an alias.